Tough Love
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Tough Love

Handsome, cocky and smart, Steve Ward is America's maestro of love. His brutally honest approach to matchmaking is what has made him and his mother Joann two of the most successful matchmakers in the country. Steve has the balls to tell women not what they want to hear, but what they need to hear to find love.

The series revolves around a “Tough Love Bootcamp,” where Steve and Joann work with a group of single, attractive women living together in a house to change their dating ways. The love-lorn ladies are put through the paces—and come out the other side transformed. Some will graduate, others will struggle to break old dating habits, and along the way Steve and Joann will be challenged to match the toughest cases of their careers. You may not like Steve's rules, but if you want to find true love you gotta face the truth and follow 'em.

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